What is inflammatory bowel disease?
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a chronic disease of the intestinal tract. Occasionally, the stomach may be involved. Most dogs with IBD have a history of recurrent or chronic vomiting and/or diarrhea. During periods of vomiting or diarrhea, the dog may lose weight but is normal otherwise.
What causes this disease?
The cause if IBD is poorly understood. In fact, it appears there are several causes. Whatever the causes, the end result is that the lining of the intestine is invaded by inflammatory cells. An allergic-type response then occurs within the intestinal tract. This inflammation interferes with the ability to digest and absorb nutrients.
for some dogs, diet plays a role in causing IBD. Bacterial proteins may be involved in other cases. in most instances, an underlying cause cannot be identified.
How is IBD diagnosed?
Diagnostic tests for IBD range from fecal evaluations to blood tests to intestinal Biopsies. Depending on the results, special diets may then be tried depending on which part of the bowel appears to be involved. These diets include hypoallergenic foods, low residue diets or high fiber diets. In addition, if it appears from the blood tests that bacterial overgrowth is present, several medications may be administered.
Is IBD treatable?
When a diagnosis is IBD is made, the dog is placed on a hypoallergenic, low residue or high fiber diet for eight to twelve weeks. If the dietary trial does not result in improvement, medication may be used to control the problem. Since not all dogs respond to the same medication, a series of drugs may be necessary.
What is the prognosis?
Most dogs do well for many years while others require alterations in therapy every few months. Unfortunately, a few dogs will fail to respond to treatment.
Some severe forms of canine inflammatory bowel disease will eventually progress to intestinal cancer. This findings is well documented in human beings and, in recent years, it has also been shown to occur in dogs.
If you guys any other questions we will be glad to give you guys more information. If you live in the area you can call us and make an appointment 201-814-0095 we are here for you and your Best Furry Friend (BFF.
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